Avalanche Risk Property Dataset (ARPD)
1. Introduction
The Avalanche Risk Property Dataset (ARPD) is a generic dataset, that powers avalanche risk calculations. The dataset consists of two OGR compliant point vector datasets. The first dataset contains information about avalanche accident points (failure data). The second dataset contains information about travel points of the back-country skier community (success data). Each point of both datasets provides a geographic location and more then 40 properties. The properties were sampled from the terrain and/or the avalanche forecast. Both datasets refer to Switzerland. The purpose of the data set is to induce knowledge about avalanche risk.
Tecnical documentation of the Avalanche Risk Property Dataset (ARPD) as PDF
2. License restrictions
Ownership of ARPD
- Skitourenguru is the data owner of ARPD.
- ARPD relies partly on other data, that may have other data owners (Details see tecnical documentation).
Usage Conditions
- Usage of ARPD is only allowed with the consent of Skitourenguru and in cooperation with Skitourenguru.
- ARPD may only be passed on with the explicit consent of Skitourenguru.
- The publication of knowledge derived from ARPD is only allowed in cooperation with Skitourenguru.
- Further reglementations apply to the access to the geographical location of the data points. Take note that geographic locations are not required for the evaluation of the point properties.
- Access to the geographic locations of the failure points (accidents) can only be granted by the SLF (data owner).
- Due to privacy issues access to the the geographic locations of the success points (GPS tracks) can be granted only to 100 randomly selected points.
3. Proposals
Do you want to derive knowledge from the ARPD? Send a proposal to Skitouranguru (E-Mail under About). Take into account, that your proposal must contribute to the avalanche accident prevention of the backcountry skier comunity.