Backcountry Difficulty Property Dataset (BDPD)
1. Introduction
The Backcountry Difficulty Property Dataset (BDPD) is a training dataset, that powers modeling difficulty degrees of backcountry ski routes. The difficulty scale of the Swiss Alpine Club is based on four major criteria: Slope angle, exposure to fall down, terrain form and space conditions. The dataset contains the response variable (difficulty degree) and a list of covariates for approximately 1700 backcountry ski tours of Switzerland.
Tecnical documentation of the Avalanche Risk Property Dataset (BDPD) as PDF
2. License restrictions
Ownership of ARPD
- Skitourenguru is the data owner of BDPD.
- BDPD relies partly on other data, that may have other data owners (Details see tecnical documentation).
Usage Conditions
- Usage of BDPD is only allowed with the consent of Skitourenguru and in cooperation with Skitourenguru.
- BDPD may only be passed on with the explicit consent of Skitourenguru.
- The publication of knowledge derived from BDPD is only allowed in cooperation with Skitourenguru.
3. Proposals
Do you want to derive knowledge from the BDPD? Send a proposal to Skitouranguru (E-Mail under About). Take into account, that your proposal must contribute to the avalanche accident prevention of the backcountry skier comunity.