
Backcountry Skiing Routes Properties Dataset (BSRPD)

1. Introduction

The BSRPD enables the modeling of foot sections and extra caution sections of backcountry skiing routes in Switzerland. The dataset contains points along the Swiss Alpine Club (SAC) / Swisstopo Backcountry Skiing network. For each point dependent variables and independent variables were sampled.

Tecnical documentation of the Backcountry Skiing Routes Properties Dataset (BSRPD) as PDF

2. License restrictions

Ownership of BSRPD

  1. Skitourenguru is the data owner of BSRPD.
  2. BSRPD relies partly on other data, that may have other data owners (Details see tecnical documentation).

Usage Conditions

  1. Usage of BSRPD is only allowed with the consent of Skitourenguru and in cooperation with Skitourenguru.
  2. BSRPD may only be passed on with the explicit consent of Skitourenguru.
  3. The publication of knowledge derived from BSRPD is only allowed in cooperation with Skitourenguru.

3. Proposals

Do you want to derive knowledge from the BSRPD? Send a proposal to Skitouranguru (E-Mail under About). Take into account, that your proposal must contribute to the avalanche accident prevention of the backcountry skier comunity.